Weekly Viz 2019-07-29
STD Infections Rates in America
About Makeover Monday
MakeoverMonday is a social data project: “Each week we post a link to a chart, and its data, and then you rework the chart. Maybe you retell the story more effectively, or find a new story in the data. We’re curious to see the different approaches you all take. Whether it’s a simple bar chart or an elaborate infographic, we encourage everyone of all skills to partake. Together we can have broader conversations about and with data.”
Starting from Jan 08, 2018, I decided to put aside one hour on Monday weekly to create some visualization and find some insights from the data.
The datasets are published each week at: MakeoverMonday Datasets.
Makeover Monday 20190729
This week’s data is about STD (Sexually Transmitted Diseases) Infections Rates in America. The original dashboard could be found here. It’s a dashboard published in 2003 (the time when Tableau Public is just a thing).
As for the dataset, seeing STD infection rate going higher and higher overtime is definitely not a good sign.
My Visualization
To understand what drives the overall increase of STD infection rate, I tried to segment the rate by disease, age, and gender, also with the ability to filter on the states by clicking on the map.
Please notice that all the visualizations are designed for desktop view, so it is recommended to view them on a desktop device.
- The increase in STD infection rate is mainly driven by the increase in Chalmydia infection rate, especially of female;
- Also, Chalmydia is the only one of the three that we observe a very different infection rate between male and female;
- State wise, Alaska shows the highest STD infection rate, followed by Mississippi.
Follow this link to find more weekly vizzes :)