1 minute read

Ranked: Biggest Fast Food Chains in America

About Makeover Monday

MakeoverMonday is a social data project: “Each week we post a link to a chart, and its data, and then you rework the chart. Maybe you retell the story more effectively, or find a new story in the data. We’re curious to see the different approaches you all take. Whether it’s a simple bar chart or an elaborate infographic, we encourage everyone of all skills to partake. Together we can have broader conversations about and with data.”

Starting from Jan 08, 2018, I decided to put aside one hour on Monday weekly to create some visualization and find some insights from the data.

The datasets are published each week at: MakeoverMonday Datasets.

Makeover Monday 20191209

This week’s data is about the top 30 fast food chains in the US in 2017. The original viz could be found here. It is super cute with the length of fries, height on the cola cup, and layers of burgers representing different chains.

My Visualization

As this data has both total sales and number of locations, one thing that occurs interesting to me is to compare the sales per location among the top 30. And I made the viz in a more of ‘dashboard’ way this week.

Please notice that all the visualizations are designed for desktop view, so it is recommended to view them on a desktop device.


  • Sales wise, McDonald’s is definitely the biggest fast food chain in the US, with almost triped sales comparing to the second place (Starbucks);
  • However, when you compare sales per location, Chick-fli-A generates highest sales per location (even if it does not open on Sundays);
  • Overall, burger-type restaurants perform well on both total sales and sales per location, but snack restaurants like Starbucks perform much worse on sales per location (which totally makes sense).

Follow this link to find more weekly vizzes :)