1 minute read

Brexit James Bond

About Makeover Monday

MakeoverMonday is a social data project: “Each week we post a link to a chart, and its data, and then you rework the chart. Maybe you retell the story more effectively, or find a new story in the data. We’re curious to see the different approaches you all take. Whether it’s a simple bar chart or an elaborate infographic, we encourage everyone of all skills to partake. Together we can have broader conversations about and with data.”

Starting from Jan 08, 2018, I decided to put aside one hour on Monday weekly to create some visualization and find some insights from the data.

The datasets are published each week at: MakeoverMonday Datasets.

Makeover Monday 20200203

This week’s data is super interesting – It looks at people’s vote on Brexit and their attitudes towards having a more diversified James Bond – James Bond from an ethnic minority / who is a gay / who is female / or who is non-British. And surprisingly, there is a very obvious difference between the people who vote for/against Brexit. The dataset could be found here.

My Visualization

To show the difference of people thinking it’s acceptable / unacceptable to a certain James Bond image, I used Gantt plot here (Gannt plot is really powerful in Tableau!).

Please notice that all the visualizations are designed for desktop view, so it is recommended to view them on a desktop device.


  • Very obviously, people who voted leave in Brexit are less open-minded to have a James Bond who is not a stright white British guy;
  • And more surprisingly, among the four different James Bond image, the least acceptable for both group are ‘Women James Bond’ and ‘Non-British James Bond’…

Follow this link to find more weekly vizzes :)