1 minute read

Pokemon Main Series Sales Units

I have been playing Pokemon: Legends Arceus since last month. It is very fun to play a “open-world” pokemon game, being chasing (and even killed) by pokemons in the wild lol. Therefore, I decided to make a Pokemon-related visualization today. I found the Pokemon main series sales data on Fandom and visualized each series’ sales over time and platform.

My Visualization

This viz consists of two parts – a time series with dot size indicating sales units, and a bar charts aggregating the sales of each series.

Please notice that all the visualizations are designed for desktop view, so it is recommended to view them on a desktop device.

Dashboard link


  • Every series before Sword/Shield (initially launched in 2019 on Switch) has been remade at least once, except for X/Y;
  • Red/Green/Blue/Yellow is by far the series being remade most times (including the let’s go Pikachu & Eevee on Switch in 2018) and generated highest sales;
  • Looking at the series being remade twice – the first remake that typically happens ~2 years after the initial launch generates less than half of the sales volume comparing to the initial launch, but the 2nd remake years later (usually on a newer-generation platform) could attract more sales than the 1st remake, sometimes even comparable to the initial launch sales.

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