Weekly Viz 2022-11-21
% Non-male Characters vs. % Women in Game Design Team
I have been playing games quite a bit recently. This week, I came across this dataset on Kaggle, which collected data around gender representation in video games. Specifically, it looked at 64 top-rating or best-selling games released between 2012 and 2022, and how many of the characters in the game are non-male, their sexulization, and how many people in the game design team are female. This is a very interesting dataset as I am interested in, if the % of non-male characters is correlated with the % of female in game design team. So this became the topic for my visualization this week.
My Visualization
The visualization itself is very simple – simply put the two metrics I am looking at on x and y axis and added a linear regression trendline. If you hover on the line, you can actually see the regression fitted.
Please notice that all the visualizations are designed for desktop view, so it is recommended to view them on a desktop device.
- The % non-male characters in the game seems to have a statistically significant positive correlation with the % of women in the game design team – I won’t be surprised that having female involved in game creation will increase the female representation in the game;
- However, I also want to mention that this is a relatively small dataset and there could be many other confounding factors here. So it is not enough to draw a rigorous conclusion yet.
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