1 minute read

Population Projection China vs. India

This week when I was looking for datasets to visualize, I saw this article on The Economist, talking about India will soon overtake China as the world’s most populous country. I have seen many discussion on population aging and decline in birth rate in China, so it is very interesting to see this projection. Therefore, I decided to find the source data on UN and make my own version of the visualization.

My Visualization

The visualization has two charts. The larger chart shows population trend from 1990 to 2100 (based on projection) by age groups in a stacked area chart, and a smaller one on the upper right shows the population of China and India in a simple line chart.

Please notice that all the visualizations are designed for desktop view, so it is recommended to view them on a desktop device.

Dashboard link


  • Based on the projection from UN, India’s population will surpass China very soon in 2023;
  • But looking further in the future, it is predicted that populations in both countries will decline in this century – for China, it’s earlier starting in 2022, but for India, it will start in ~2065;
  • Meanwhile, both countries will see population aging issues in the near future.

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