Weekly Viz 2023-04-17
Retirement Ages Around the World
This week I used the dataset posted by Makeover Monday – retirement ages around the world. The dataset is originally from OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development), tracking the effective labour market exit age by country and gender over time. It is interesting to see how retirement ages differ between men and women, and among different countries.
My Visualization
I was initially thinking about visualizing the trend, but data were collected at a much lower candece prior to 2015 (every 5-10 years only), so I focused on 2020 data, with a gantt chart highlighting the gender differences.
Please notice that all the visualizations are designed for desktop view, so it is recommended to view them on a desktop device.
- On average, effective labour market exit age for women is 62.4, and for men is 63.8 (1.4 years more);
- However, retirement ages do vary a lot acorss different countries – for example, for women, the avg retirement age ranges from 56 (South Africa) to 69.2 (Indonesia);
- Though in most countries, men tend to retire later than women, we also observe significant differences in retirement age differences between men and women around the world.
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