1 minute read

Global Personal Luxury Goods Market

I have been following chartr for a while. They send out newsletter with clean and inspiring data visualizations for free. This week, I was looking at their visualization on the luxury market (can be found here). The data is very interesting and I decided to make my own version.

My Visualization

This visualization combines two line chart – Global personal luxry goods market, and global GDP, both in % annual growth rate.

Please notice that all the visualizations are designed for desktop view, so it is recommended to view them on a desktop device.

Dashboard link


  • Global personal luxury goods market sales annual growth rate has been hovering around 15% for most of the years, pretty fast growth, except for the years with global event impacting the market, for example the economic recessions (2009) and the pandemic (2020);
  • Though in 2020, at the start of the pandemic, due to lockdown across the world, we see a -20% annual decrease in global personal luxury goods market, it quickly bounced back with a 30%+ increase in 2021;
  • The trend of global personal luxury goods market annual growth and gloabl GDP annual growth are very much in line with each other.

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