1 minute read

Recovery of Bay Area Weekday Transit Ridership

Recently there have been many news about record high air traffic volume, even higher than the pre-pandemic level. Since I have made several visualizations around air traffic, this week, I found a weekday traffic volume report for the public transformations in the Bay Area, and see if the daily commute traffic has fully bounced back as well.

My Visualization

This visualization is a line chart, showing the weekly traffic volume since March 2020 (when the pandemic starts) by different public transformation systems. The y-axis is the monthly traffic volumes compared to analogous months in 2019.

Please notice that all the visualizations are designed for desktop view, so it is recommended to view them on a desktop device.

Dashboard link


  • We see sharpest decline in traffic volumes in Caltrain during the pandemic, compared to MUNI and BART. This could be due to the fact that Caltrain was mostly used by people commuting between SF and South Bay for work, but many of those jobs turned into remote in 2020;
  • We also see the slowest recovery in traffic from Caltrain – maybe because many positions in the Bay Area today are still remote today, Caltrain has reduced their schedule since the pandemic, and people have moved out of the more expensive regions in the Bay (for example, the SF city).

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