Weekly Viz 2024-01-08
Operating System Market Share 2009-2023
This week I found another interesting dataset on Kaggle about the operating system market from 2009 to 2023. It shows the market share of operating system in all devices such as laptops, telephones and tablets. Since OS in many cases is tied to the brand/device, obviously, the market share also reflects the popularity of certain brands/devices.
My Visualization
This visualization is a simple line chart of the monthly market share trend of the four major operating systems (Windows, Android, iOS, OS X).
Please notice that all the visualizations are designed for desktop view, so it is recommended to view them on a desktop device.
- Windows used to be the “only” operating system back in early 2010s. At that time, not many people even own a cell phone, so the mobile operating systems’ market share were very low;
- Starting 2014, Android starts to gain more and more popularity with the high adoption of mobile devices; iOS also slowly increases its market share with the success of Apple and iPhone;
- Meanwhile, Windows market share declined all the way to ~30% today, surpassed by Andriod in early 2020s.
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