1 minute read

Travel Accommodation Revenue Share

The dataset I am visualization this week comes from statista. It shows the hotel and vacation rental revenue share of the total travel & tourism revenue in selected countries in 2024. It is interesting to see the differences in different countries and how certain country prefer one over the other.

My Visualization

This visualization consists of three columns – country name, total share of hotel and vacation rental, and a bar chart of the two categories of revenue share.

Please notice that all the visualizations are designed for desktop view, so it is recommended to view them on a desktop device.

Dashboard link


  • In all of the eight countries, hotel revenue share is much higher than vacation rental revenue share (at least 2x);
  • However, the scale varies a lot. In countries like Japan, the US, the UK, and China, hotel revenue share is over half of the overall travel and tourism segment revenue; But in Germany, it is only 27.2% – according to Statista, this could be attributed to the country’s inhabitants’ fondness for package holidays;
  • Regulation is an important factor limiting the market share of vacation rental – in many European countries and states in the US, there are various regulations on Airbnb listings.

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