1 minute read

Multi-entry Schengen Visa Rate

I appleid to Schengen visa recently for my travel plan to Europe. For those who don’t know (or don’t need a visa to travel to Europe), a Schengen visa allows travelers to enter, freely travel within, and leave the Schengen Area, which comprises 27 European countries. When I was doing my research, it was interesting to see how the visa policies vary among different countries – some are more strict with visa duration and some are more likely to issue multi-entry visa. Insipired by that, I looked up Schengen visa issuance data online, and found the official data from the EU. It provides insights data points on visa rejection rate and multi-entry visa percentage in each country every year.

My Visualization

The data I am visualizing today is the % of multi-entry visa issued. I plot the line chart of YoY trend in a 5x5 grid and sorted them by the latest (2023’s) multi-entry visa rate.

Please notice that all the visualizations are designed for desktop view, so it is recommended to view them on a desktop device.

Dashboard link


  • If you want to get a multi-entry Schengen visa, Germany might be your best choice, as it’s the only country with 90%+ multi-entry schengen visa rate; Meanwhile, the northern European countries have the lowest chance of issuing a multi-entry visa;
  • However, we can see the trend flucutate a lot year over year. In many countries, we see a decline in % multi-entry visa issued after 2021, potentially related to the pendamic;
  • Another thing to note is that higher % of multi-entry Schengen visa issues is not equal to higher duration granted – I wasn’t able to find any data disclosure of that, and it is possible a multi-entry visa being issued with a very short period of valid duration.

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