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Summer Olympic Gold Medals Top 5 1948-2020

This week’s dataset for visualization is again about the Olympic Games. I found a dataset on Kaggle, which has the number of medals in the Summer Olympic Games by countries from 1896 to 2020.

My Visualization

I am visualizing the dataset with a bump chart to show the top 5 countries by gold medal counts over time. I only included the games after 1948 given the interruptions due to the wars.

Please notice that all the visualizations are designed for desktop view, so it is recommended to view them on a desktop device.

Dashboard link


  • Before 1988, the top 2 countries have mostly been the United States and the Soviet Union;
  • After the Soviet Union collapsed, the United States got the 1st places in 6 of 8 games, and 2nd places in the remaining 2 games;
  • Meanwhile, we see China moving up in the ranks over time and reached top 3 after 2000.

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