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Average Tech Salary in 2023

The dataset I am visualizing this week is the tech salary trends report from Dice. It offers valuable insights into the tech salary in 2023, and how much it has changed since 2022, in top states, cities, industries, and occupations.

My Visualization

This visualization has two parts – it shows the average tech salary by state on the left and it shows the change from 2022 on the right.

Please notice that all the visualizations are designed for desktop view, so it is recommended to view them on a desktop device.

Dashboard link


  • The average tech salary in the top 5 states (MA, NJ, VA, CA, and UT) is over $120k in 2023;
  • 12 of the 25 states see a decrease in average tech salary compared to 2023, potentially related to the widespread cost-cutting efforts and layoffs happened in the tech industry last year;
  • But states like Utah, Maryland and Iowa still see an increase in average tech salary of over 10%.

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