1 minute read

U.S. Social Media Platform Usage

The data I am visualizing this week is the U.S. social media usage data from Pew Research Center. This report has interesting data points on which social media platform is the most popular and how that looks like by different demographic groups.

My Visualization

This visualization aims to compare the % of U.S. adults ever used each social media platform by different segmentations. It is a simple bar chart with color coding on the frequency.

Please notice that all the visualizations are designed for desktop view, so it is recommended to view them on a desktop device.

Dashboard link


  • Among the nine social media platforms included in this visualization, Facebook is the most popular one in almost all the segments, except for the ages 18-29 group – In this young generation, Instagram surpassed Facebook at 78%;
  • Other platforms that are obviously more popular among younger people are Pinterest, TikTok, Snapchat, Twitter, and Reddit;
  • Many social media don’t seem to have significantly different popularity among communities and education levels, but Reddit is clearly more commonly used by people in the urban or suburban area, and by people with higher education level;
  • Comparing different ethnicities, WhatsApp is much more popular among Asian and Hispanic;
  • Instagram, Pinterest and TikTok are more popular among women, while more men use Twitter and Reddit.

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