1 minute read

Daily Time Spent on Smartphone

Smartphone is now a important part of the modern life. I have been tracking my own screen time, and curious about how much time an average person spend on their phone. I did some research online, and found this report. It shows time spent on smartphone by country, demographics, and comparison with other devices. For my visualization this week, I am going to focus on the country level average time spent on smartphones.

My Visualization

My visualization is a special form of bar chart, with the bars presented in a circular style.

Please notice that all the visualizations are designed for desktop view, so it is recommended to view them on a desktop device.

Dashboard link


  • Among the countries in the dataset, the daily time spent on smartphones varies a lot, from 114 mins (Japan) to 320 mins (Philippines) – both countries happen to be in Asia;
  • Generally speaking, European people seem to spend shorter time on smartphones, while African and Asian spend longer time. This could be culture-related, but might also be correlated with economic development level – mobile devices could be more accessible than desktop devices in less developed countries, leading to longer screen time on mobile.

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