Weekly Viz 2024-09-23
McDonald’s Nutrition Facts I am writing an article on some less common but useful visualization types. I plan to use my own Tableau visualization as example...
McDonald’s Nutrition Facts I am writing an article on some less common but useful visualization types. I plan to use my own Tableau visualization as example...
U.S. Social Media Platform Usage The data I am visualizing this week is the U.S. social media usage data from Pew Research Center. This report has interesti...
Key Steps in Data Preprocessing, Feature Engineering, and Train-test Splitting to Prevent Data Leakage When I was evaluating AI tools like ChatGPT, Claude, ...
Swiss Public Transportation Usage I just came back from Switzerland. Two things that impressed me the most are the stunning scenery and the great public tra...
Monthly Job Openings Rate The visualization dataset this week also comes from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. It is the job openings rate report on the...
My Medium Articles! In the past two months, I continued writing data science and AI contents on Medium. I am super excited to have more than 1k followers no...
How AI can accelerate your ML projects from feature engineering to model training Context Welcome back to the third article of my series, ChatGPT vs. C...
Monthly Unemployed by Reason This week I was browsing the US Bureau of Labor Statistics website and found the latest report on monthly unmployment reasons. ...
Average Tech Salary in 2023 The dataset I am visualizing this week is the tech salary trends report from Dice. It offers valuable insights into the tech sal...
Five criteria to compare ChatGPT, Claude, and Gemini in tackling Exploratory Data Analysis Context Welcome back to the second installment of my series,...